My Teacher-Librarian Philosophy

My teaching and library service philosophy is rooted in the importance of making appropriate, innovative decisions regarding the lasted information, technology, and other forms of media for all patrons. One of my favorite YA authors, J.K. Rowling, solidifies my thoughts of the importance of choices in her novel Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Rowling's sage character Albus Dumbledore shares his astute observation of human nature: "It is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." Choices--a simple but powerful word that encompasses the role of the media specialist--to assist and promote the choice-making ability for both teachers and students alike. In the fast-paced world in which we live, our culture has been thrust into the digital age, complete with the latest and greatest technological ingenuity, which as created the necessity for instant gratification in the user. Therefore, as a teacher and library media specialist, my primary goal is to provide patrons with the technology resources to make their own choices and, in turn, educate them in necessary methods to becoming informationally literate.

I believe in implementing and supporting the following services and goals in the library-media center, as they are essential in assisting patrons with making first-rate choices for their informative needs:
  • Creating an inviting, comfortable library-media center environment
  • Supporting and enforcing Intellectual Freedom and the Library Bill of Rights
  • Providing one-on-one collaboration with teachers to reinforce school curriculum
  • Promoting and teaching the use all resource formats
These services and goals are the preliminary steps to creating a pro-active library-media program that entices all patrons, both students and teachers, to take advantage of the variety of resources the library has to offer.